Sunday, February 15, 2015

Miss Brittany


You know that feeling that you get when you are standing on the side of a swimming pool and you know that if you jump right in it is going to be really cold but when you are in for a minute it feels wonderful. That is how I have been feeling the past week.

Miss Brittany came into our lives on Tuesday and I want to tell you all of the tension and apprehension that we were feeling took a sharp 180 ° turn and started heading upward. Miss Brittany is my Father's new nurse's aid and Mother and I had been on pins and needles waiting for her first day. She came with a big smile on her face and said, "How can I make your life a little easier!" What!! let me make sure that I heard you right. Every single person that we have met since joining the home care program, sponsored by the V.A., have been beyond all of our expectations.

Tuesday, Mother, JW, Brittany and I sat and talked about alot of different things that we enjoy and look forward too. JW just sat in his chair but we made sure that we included him in all our conversation and just tried to make him comfortable with Ms. Brittany. Remember she is here to give him showers, shaves and make his life more bearable. I'm sure it would be difficult for any man to let a unknown women take him in the shower and wash him. Well, Mother, Sue (the charge nurse), Miss Brittany and I came up with what we thought would be a perfect solution to the possible problem.

JW still has alot of dignity and pride and so I suggested that he get in the shower on his shower chair in a pull up. That was OK but Mother came up with and even better solution. She suggested that he get in the shower with a pair of boxer shorts on. That sounded great to me. Believe it or not it worked! On Thursday, Miss Brittany's second time here JW luxuriated it the warm soapy water and Mother for a change did not have to try and do it all on her own. Like I have said before Mother weights 85# and how she has done this for 4 years is beyond me. I even tried to joke with JW alittle and tell him that we were going to cover up his booty and little bits so no one could see. I did get a smile for that comment. After the shower Miss Brittany took JW to his chair and shaved him. Then got him in nice clean jammies and Mother said that he slept like a baby the rest of the afternoon. I called from the office and Mother said that everything went as smooth as to be expected for the second time he had met Miss Britanny.

Today is the second best day of the year. 1/2 price Valentine candy. The first best day is the day after Christmas when you get everything 1/2 price.  I am debating whether or not I should walk 2 blocks to the drug store around the corner from our house. Last year I got 2 beautiful quilted hearts for around $8.00. For Valentine's Day yesterday I took one of those quilted hearts and filled it with petite danish and marshmallow cookies for JW. Mother said she went into the kitchen to get him a cup of coffee and he ate 2 danish just in the time she was in the kitchen.

Today is Susan B. Anthony Day.  Susan B. Anthony died March 13, 1906, at the age of 86, before the amendment was passed giving women the right to vote. In 1920, the Nineteenth amendment, often referred to as the Susan B. Anthony Amendment was passed giving all women the legal right to vote. Susan B. Anthony's birthday, February 15th is now a commemorative day to remember the great leader and work she did for the women's right movement. Plus, they minted a dollar after her. I guess in honor of Susan B. I will go to the store and buy some of that 1/2 price Valentine candy.

Stay out of the bitter cold today. Cover everything. Just have 2 little peep holes for your eyes. We have snow drifts in our front yard, added to the snow we already had, that are taller than my husband. Have a great day staying indoors and doing something to pamper yourself.

Love to all, Phyllis

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