Saturday, February 21, 2015

Sunny with a chance of "Arctic Blast"


Per NBC news, today's date, "More than 2 million people are under a winter storm warning as large parts of the country face record lows and subzero temperatures."  What exactly is an Arctic Blast. We have seen it alot this winter and I had never heard of it before. As far as I can ascertain it is the what happens when you walk 3 blocks from your parking lot and have no feeling left on the top portion of your legs. Even though you were wearing the long, goose down, makes you look like you are a kindergartner, coat. Two scarfs, a fur lined hood, two pairs of gloves, thigh high boots with 2 pairs of socks and plastic grocery bags to help keep out the cold and YakTrax®. A good friend of mine introduced me to YakTrax® this winter. They are medal coils that attach to the bottom of your boots or shoes and are slip resistant. They probable have saved me from falling quite a few times this year. I digress..... While you are walking from your parking lot with all these clothes on you are also carrying a tote bag and purse. This addresses all people who feel that they cannot make it through a day with out a tote bag full of supplies.

An Arctic Blast can also freeze your car engine solid if it is facing into the wind and left outdoors. I have told my husband numerous times that the price of this house was worth it just for the garages and front porches. Being originally from the south, a front porch that runs along the whole front of the house is an added bonus that I enjoy.

An Arctic Blast can cause you to sit at your desk with an knitted afghan over your feet and lap, a sweat shirt over your lap, a sweater around your shoulders and a sweater on the back of your desk chair. If you are unfortunate enough to have an entire wall of window as your outside wall than you will know what I am talking about. Oh, I forgot I also am wearing my shoes, long pants (with silk lining), socks and a heavy sweater under all the blankets. The Arctic Blast seems to permeate the entire wall and I freeze my derriere off.

An Arctic Blast can drastically curtail you exercise program. I work across the street from a park that if you walk around it 5 times you have walked a mile. During an Arctic Blast you do not want to walk across the street much less 2 miles a day. So as a result my exercise program has gone to heck. To give you an idea of how cold it is, 24 out of the 49 continental states have shattered low temperature records set in the late 1800's. In New York State the coldest recorded temperature ever was -52 in 1979 in Old Forge. However, New York City just broke a record set in 1950 of 7° with a balmy 2°.

They just announced on the Weather station that some states are calling this the "Siberian Express". Ok that settles it. I am going to just keep my Snuggie® Blanket on, get a pile of magazines, cup of hot cocoa and watch romance movies all day. Today is National Sticky Bun Day. PERFECT.


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