Sunday, June 28, 2015

It takes a village..


Another Sunday night and I am finally able to stop and start to get ready for bed. Do you ever get so tired that you are not even sure if you will be able to sleep. Does your mind just keep going over every thing that you needed to get done in a day and think that you may have missed something.

First thing this morning, after church with Mother in the living room, I went down in the basement and found water every where. I started moving boxes and paintings and sound equipment and next thing you know I have moved one quarter of the basement off the floor and up onto shelf's. Well, I don't need to tell you that with bulging and herniated discs and God knows what else wrong with my back that it's probable the dumbest thing that I have ever done. James was helping but sometimes I feel like I am alone. James has 186 relatives. Why can't I call one of them up and say, "can you come over and help." I'll tell you why. We get wrapped up so much in it's all about me that we forget that sometimes you need a little help.

JW needs 24 - 7 care. After I work a full week there is so much to do on the weekends that I really start to think about what goes on when I am not here. JW has a nurse that comes once a month. A case worker at the V.A. that checks in on him once every 6 to 8 weeks. A home aid that is here on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A barber that comes on Sundays to shave him. A barber that comes once a month to cut his hair. James who checks on them all day, everyday. A supervisor from the nursing care that comes to check and see that we are happy with the service that we are receiving. Five or six women from our home church that call and talk to Mother all the time. Just to check in and see how she is coping. Two people who are doing missionary work from our church that bring little plates of cookies or just a little something to Mother once in awhile. A church member who sends Mother encouragement cards once a month. Now we have just hired a lawn maintenance person to mow the lawn every 7 to 10 days. I do wash for Mother, cook her meals on Saturday and Sunday, go to the store to get her groceries on Saturday or Sunday. Then today, after 2 days of steady rain, look to find where the water is coming into the basement and have to deal with that.

I have a vision board at my office and believe me I put items on that board that help me every day. I just started a sermon journal and I must say already I feel that it is helping me cope. Every Sunday morning I was taking notes on little pads of paper that Mother and I receive in the mail from charities that we support. After 2 1/2 years the little pieces of paper were starting to add up. Mother on the other hand keeps all her notes in a spiral note book. At the Good Will® store the other night I found a lovely spiral journal and so I starting transferring all the notes into the journal. Then I put stickers and pictures all over the pages that I have filled out so far and I think I am going to really like it.  Just reading the notes over again as I rewrite them reminds me that I am fortunate. I still can do all the chores and do it as a service.

I am here for a reason. Right now, that reason is to take care of my family. James and I make a great pair. We can do all that is required to keep this family, safe, dry, fed and comfortable. Every other word may be a prayer, but, it takes a village... pretty much a city at this point.

Have a great night. If I knew how to change the time on this computer I would. It's really 10 pm.


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