September 3, 2015
Mother had surgery on Tuesday, September 1, 2015. I think that she came through it better than I did. She had a growth on her face, right by her left eye and thank goodness we went to her family physician 6 weeks ago and they sent her right to a facial plastic surgeon. He has a reputation of being one of the best facial surgeon in the city and I was really surprised that we were able to get in so quickly.
When James and I got married. We were given a beautiful Tiffany® table lamp to put on my desk in the computer room. It never made it that far. Mother saw the lamp and she fell in love with it. She liked it so much that she had her lamp and went out and bought two more to give to her closest friends. Mother, Ernie and Phyllis each had a little Tiffany® lamp and they came up with this idea that they would leave the lights burning to signify their friendship and to symbolize unity. When one of the group passed away they had given directions that the lamp of the deceased person was to be shut off. So far only Ernie has passed away and her lamp was turned off and handed down to her grand daughter.
Lets now go to Monday, the day before Mother's surgery. The barber had come to the house to shave JW and she knew the story of the three lamps. They are walking through the dining room and the barber says to my Mother, "Did you turn off the lamp?" We thought it was hilarious that the lamp went off right when they were talking about my Mother's surgery the following day. I asked Mother if she started to call Phyllis to make sure that she was still in this world. When Mother told me this story we got laughing so hard that there were tears running down our faces.
Because the lamps have been lite for so many years we hardly ever pay attention to it any longer. Of course I got to thinking that with surgery scheduled the following day it was a sign. Thank goodness I have never been any good at interpreting signs.
If Mother passes away before me, it will be my job to turn off her lamp. JW will probable throw one of his little pouty fits, like he did on Tuesday. Mother had a huge ice pack on her face and was resting. Not that she wanted to but I practically had to tie her to the couch. Well, JW decided that if Mother was not going to make his meals then he was not going to eat. He's stubborn that way. I had fixed him snacks to have while we were at the doctors office. I could not figure out how I was going to get him, the wheel chair and Mother back in the car after the surgery so I told him that he had to stay home. He was not a happy camper. So, when we got back he had not eaten one bite of his sandwich, fresh cut up fruit or cookies. OKAY!! When it came time for dinner I told him that, "Mother is right there on the couch. Stop pouting because I had to fix your meal and eat. If you don't eat I am sure that you will be hungry in a couple of days. Your choice." Mother said after I went back upstairs that he ate every bite.
As long as the light is burning in the lamp I figure that I am good. When the light has to be turned off then a whole new chapter in our lifes will start. I guess I am going to have to cross that bridge when I get too it.
Peace, Phyllis
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