Sunday, May 15, 2016

When two or more are gathered

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Well, it sure has been a hectic 2 weeks. It's a good thing to sit down and catch my breath.  I was feeling really low a couple of weeks ago because the appointed pastor of the church that we belong too had only been to see my Father one time in 5 years.  Although the women's group that my Mother and I have belonged to for 52 years still calls and stops in periodically to visit with her and my Father I just felt like the pastor was letting us down on a personal level.  The one time that he did come here my Mother had called him and asked him if he would administer Holy Communion to my Father and her.  Mother said that he did a good job and she was happy with that.  I on the other hand feel that a pastor is suppose to be the Shepard to his sheep (we being the proverbial sheep).  When you have a limited amount of sheep in your church don't you think he could call once in awhile to see how those sheep are.  This brings me to Pastor Bailey.

Pastor Bailey is not from our home church.  Not only is he not from our church he is in a whole different pew all together.   I was on a mission. If I could not take JW to the mountain then I would find a mountain that would come to us.  I cold called a church that was 2 blocks from our home and left a message on their answering service that I was inquiring about a minister or a lay person to come to our home to visit with my Father.  Pastor Bailey called me back the next day and we had a nice chat about service to the shut-ins and what our little worlds were like.  I asked him would he mind to come on over and have a visit with my Father and talk about heaven with him. JW is 89 and I'm not sure how much time he has left to talk about heaven before he is there.  Pastor Bailey said he would be glad to come over and visit with JW and toward the end of the visit he would ask my Father if it would be OK with him if Pastor Bailey came back the next week and had communion.  During this visit there were two things that really stood out. First, JW talked for almost the whole hour that Pastor was here.  He said more than he has said during the last 7 years. Not only were we shell shocked but we just looked at him and could not believe our ears. Second, JW grabbed his walker and decided that he was going to show Pastor Bailey his paintings that are all over the house. We were elated. We had decided before we started this little mission that just maybe a male voice would inspire JW to talk and be a little more involved in the conversation. That's not to say he hears James talk to him all the time and my Son and Grandson visit with him periodically.  This was a new male voice and Mother and I were ecstatic that he responded.  The barber was here at the time and she asked if she could come back the next week and have communion with us and of course we all said yes. Last week Pastor Bailey visited again and we all had communion together. It was a wonderful feeling and I finally felt that if JW passes over now he will be fine.

Mother got her new hearing aids on Friday.  She already misplaced one this morning and James had to go down a do a search of the house. He found it. They are the new models that you just stick in your ear. Well, she is not putting them in all the way and of course they are going to fall out. I may have to see if they can modify them with some kind of invisible wire that hooks over her ear.

I finally got some photos put up on my blog page. See the before and after paintings of my Father.  Plus I put a picture of me up. People just wanted to put a face with the stories.

Have a great day, I'm doing laundry, grocery shopping, dress shopping and shoe shopping.

Peace, Phyllis

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