Sunday, June 12, 2016

Are you ready??

June 12, 2016

I have been told that when your Angel comes to escort you to heaven, or where ever you imagine you will go when you die, you will come face to face with your higher power and they will ask you "What did you do with the life that I gave you?" I want to answer, "everything you asked me to do." The reason my mind has been mulling over this for about a week is again I spent time in the hospital this past week.

Last Saturday I had the chest pains that I have come to associate with my gall bladder. I walked into the ER and when the guard asked me why I was there I said "I am either having a gall bladder attack or a heart attack." I was whisked to the triage and hooked up for a heart EKG and needles were stuck every where.  The x-rays, CT scan and sonogram were all done and the whole time I was vomiting for 4 hours. I thought that I was going to die. Then I thought, am I ready.  I was released on Sunday and was suppose to contact the endoscopy center to schedule an endoscope. I got ahold of the center on Monday and they scheduled me for the procedure first thing Tuesday morning. I went into pre-op and got ready to go in. The Dr. said to me in the procedure room, "Didn't I just talk to you yesterday?" I answered, "I'm very important and they got me right in." everyone was laughing and I must say the atmosphere in the room was uplifting. Of course you are scared half to death because you have never had this done. Then I told him, "my time is very valuable, let's get this show on the road." Again, alot of laughter and then take deep breaths and I was out.

While I was in discharge the nurse happen to mention to me that I had a hiatal hernia and a schatzki ring. What!! I can't have anything that I can't pronounce. They ask me some questions about swallowing and do I have trouble with food in my throat. I said I did and the nurse said "why didn't you tell us?"  I said you never asked.  Well she goes back into surgery to talk to the Dr. and next thing I know I am getting readmitted to go back in for another procedure. They are going to dilate my throat. This is getting too much to handle. The Dr. says to me "didn't I just see you?" I answered "the first power nap was so good, I decided to do another one." So now I am taking my second shot of anesthesia. This is really going to mess me up for the week.  I will be having gas pains galore. I do okay during the second procedure and finally I am ready to go home.

I stop in to talk to JW because he hasn't seen me for a couple of days and he wants to know why I have black and blue marks up both arms and my hands. I told him that I had to get IV's 3 times and I have little veins so it was a hard time for them to find a vein by the third time. I am always amazed how calm he is. Maybe he doesn't even understand what I am telling him. All I know is, keep him clean, dry, safe and fed. That is all we can do, all of us. I think I am going to be OKay for awhile. My diet has been completely changed and I've had to give up soda. That is the worse thing for me. Plus, no more chocolate. Two of my favorite things. Oh well, there is a reason for everything. Including why I was given this task. I will continue to pray for Grace and do what I have to do.

When that Angel comes, I will hope that I am ready.

Peace, Phyllis

Just turned on CNN and please pray for the families from Orlanda, Florida. "The happiest place on earth." I am conflicted about this post. Who knew.....

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