Sunday, March 22, 2015

What a difference a haircut day makes


Well, seems like I have been gone for a long time instead of only 2 weeks. It has been a really full 2 weeks and I just seemed to fall into bed every day after work and sleep it off.

We had a professional barber comes to the house and cut JW's hair a week ago last Thursday and I want to tell you I felt so good that when I checked with Mother after I got home for work I must have smiled for 2 days. I can't even imagine how good JW felt. Her name is Phyllis and she is a member of our church. We did not even know that she did house calls but after I took Mother to the flea market at our church 2 weeks ago one of the vendors told her about Phyllis. Seems that she does alot of shut in's and Mother and I were anxious to try her out. She comes with all her barber stuff and if you want to cut the persons hair while they are sitting on a carpet she brings a sheet that she puts under the chair and when she is done she takes it outside and shakes it off. I thought that the best thing to try was put JW in his wheel chair and put him in the kitchen, on the linoleum, and that way she could just sweep up any hair there was on the floor. I called Mother about an hour after the scheduled time and she said it was a wonderful experience for JW. It seems to me that no matter where his mind is he loves to be pampered (don't we all.) JW has hardly any hair left and she gave him a real neat looking buzz cut and I was thrilled. Plus, she visited with Mother for an hour which made Mother feel still part of the social loop.  We still have Miss Brittany, his home aid, shave him with the electric razor when she comes and now he looks great.

Last week I had to go in for a tune up and I bit my tongue while I was under the anesthesia. I know it is a little thing after everything else that we have to deal with but I have complained about it for 4 days now. Not to anyone in particular, just anyone who will listen to me. The tune up went fine and I am pretty sure that the biopsy's will be clear. It is a bitch getting old. I consider myself very fortunate that I am still able to get around quite good and have the use of all my limbs. Plus, my vision is reasonable good. What more could I ask for.

Yesterday I took Mother to a neighborhood store named Sacred Melody. It is chock full of tchotchkes and I am afraid that we got lost in the moment. My brother had sent our Mother a beautiful Bible 2 Christmas' ago and like I have said before she does daily devotion and prayer for 2 hours each day. One hour in the morning and one hour at night. Well, she had mentioned that it sometimes takes her 15 minutes to locate the scripture that goes with that days devotion and wanted to get Bible chapter tabs. We had been in the store at least 3 times and forgot to get them. After we checked out yesterday she said, "we forgot to get the Bible tabs again." So, we turned around and went in search of tabs. We purchased the ones that had the biggest print and yesterday I sat down and labeled all the books of her Bible. This morning she told me what a difference those markers made. She was able to go straight to the coordinate that she required. We also indulged in a piece of jewelry. They had these little lockets called prayer lockets. These look like Faberge eggs. They open up and the proper use would be to stick a tiny piece of paper with your prayer on it. Well, they are so small that you would only be able to put one word on the paper. I asked Mother this morning what the one word was that she would put in her prayer locket and she said "patience." I told her that I would put "strength." I think that they are very similar. She prays for patience and I pray for strength.

Tomorrow is national "chip and dip" day. That is a day to really look forward too. It is also, national puppy day.  ENJOY


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