I'm pretty sure that I told you that my paternal grandfather was a southern Baptist minister. I grew up with religion all around me. When JW was diagnosed we could no longer go to church every week due to the fact that he was unable to physically function at that time of the morning. When I broke my leg 2 years ago this past January Mother and I started church on Sunday morning in our living room with Joel Osteen®. I never took notes during church before but for some reason I did start taking notes when I listened to him. I would like to share some of those notes with you all.
Serve other people.
Takes a big person to do small things.
Don't let your prayin' knees get lazy.
Stay in Faith, GOD will handle it.
Weeping may come but joy is coming.
YOU made the mess, GOD will clean it up.
Make a miracle out of the mess.
Good enough is not your destiny.
If it hasn't happened, you haven't needed it yet.
Gotta believe it before you see it.
Peace is not the absence of trouble, Peace is knowing GOD is with you.
Be still and know that I am GOD.
Other peoples poor choices are not your fault.
When your faith is low, Jesus' faith is high.
Daughter of Destiny
Can't see stars with tears in your eyes.
You are not damaged goods.
Turn battlefields into blessings fields.
GOD collects every tear that you shed.
Not a whiner, a Warrior.
GOD never runs out of one more times.
GOD did it for me then and he can do it for me again.
Misery is optional.
Easter / Don't get stuck on Friday, Sunday is coming.
Do you say "Good morning LORD or Good LORD it's morning"
Don't die with the music still in you.
Don't forget to pray, GOD did not forget to get you up this morning.
Just a few things that I hang onto. Alzheimer will beat you down if you let him. Remember, you are here to serve. Might as well serve the person who needs you the most. Right now, that is my Father.
Love, Phyllis.
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