Sunday, November 1, 2015

The natural rhythm of life has been broken


My husbands cousin, Paul Richard (Ricky) passed away on Tuesday. The last few days have been spent planning the church service, contacting family members, getting family members here from out of state and trying to make sure his father, Paul, is never alone for 1 minute. Ricky's Father, and our Poppi, is 90 years young. It is not natural for a parent to bury a child. We have cried until we can hardly cry any longer. Ricky was 62. He had been fighting MS for 10 years. In the past three years he has had 2 major strokes and Poppi was at the assisted living facility every special occasion and every Wednesday. Ricky was a huge Syracuse University basketball fan. When he passed my husband asked that the custom made quilt that he had made for Ricky be taken home by his sister because he wanted to be sure that it was in the casket with Ricky. The following day when they went back to the facility to clear out Ricky's personal affects all of his Syracuse memorabilia had been stolen. You have to wonder who would do something like that. The only thing I can think of is someone who does not value a person's life.

James, my husband, has planned all the food for family and friends between the calling hours tomorrow. The meatballs and pasta is being home made but thank goodness for Cosco's® large chicken pot pie and mac and cheese. Everyone likes it and it feeds lots of people. After the funeral on Monday we booked a restaurant for anyone who is so inclined to come can be with the family. The only task I have been assigned to do is sign the Book of Remembrance during the mass. James and his God Son, Paul, Amanda and Courtnay will be bringing up the gifts to the priest.  Please pray for the family for the next couple of days to go smoothly without too many hiccups in the road. More family is arriving tonight and some tomorrow morning.

JW fell out of bed 2 nights ago and James and I were on a mission last night to find a bed rail. You would think that would be a fairly common item for babies going into a youth bed but you would be wrong. Target® and Walmart® had no idea what we were talking about and as it got later and later James said, "Babies R Us"®. Why didn't we think of that in the first place. They had a whole isle of bed rails. We got a heavy duty, pretty sturdy, removable bed rail and it took Mother and I about a half hour to put 4 pieces together. Success was ultimately ours and Mother said she slept so much better not worried about him falling out again. The main problem we run up against is some of the things that we probable should be doing does not dawn on us until something happens and then we have to hustle to overt it from happening again.

We did have some small movement on the placement of the chair lift in the back hall. A contractor for the V.A. actually came to the house and we have to get an electrical plug put in the bottom of the stairs for the stair unit. We called our friend, the electrician, and he will be here Tuesday. So I may have a chair lift soon and not have to worry about JW going down the back stairs. He has been in the house since last December.  We make sure he has alot of people in and out to keep him company (and Mother too). He has a Dr. appointment at the V.A. on 11/12/2015 and it sure would be nice to get him out of the house easier.

In the mean time. Happy All Hallows Eve. Time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed believers.

Ricky being the jokester that he was it figures that he would pass over now.

Peace, Phyllis

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