Sunday, June 26, 2016

Well, here we are.

Sunday June 26, 2016 This past week I found out what a cyber attack and internet trolls are. Three people decided that I was in some way offensive to their delicate balance and launched an all out attack on my sense of freedom. Not only does the first amendment to the constitution of the United States of America entitle me to freedom of speech but also freedom of the press. These individuals decided that they would use unethical practices to effectively end my sponsorship and cast dispersion on my character all over the world. Let me make something very clear. Thankfully my Father is in a place where he does not see the evil and festering hate that some people have for other human beings. I will continue to love him with all my heart and soul. I will continue to strive to make the time he has left on this earth as beautiful and hate free as I can. As for what has happened over the past week. The name of my blog is Alzheimer's House, that includes everything that happens within these 4 walls. If I choose to write about what a crappy week I have had that is my words and I am responsible for what goes on these pages. If you disagree with my practices than please feel free to not read me. I will be back next Sunday. Enjoy your week. Hug your children, hug your spouse, hug the people that you love the the most. Pay it forward. Smile and really mean it. Peace, Phyllis

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