July 16th, 2016
Well, this week has been Christmas in July on the Hallmark Channel. So, I have watched every sappy Christmas movie every night all week. Well, the title of the blog was a line from one of the sappy movies and it really got me started thinking about all the changes in our life since Alzheimer moved it.
How difficult must it be for my Mother to take on taking care of an adult who is more like a baby. Love. Our social life if practically non existent. Mother has not been out of the house more than once every two weeks for going on 5 years. James and I have missed more events then I want to think about but I made that choice years ago. Mother thinks that she is becoming a burden. I am not sure where she comes up with some of this stuff. This all started because I bought her paper plates, paper towels and toilet paper. That led to a conversation that because I was spending extra money, on toilet paper, she is becoming a burden. When you are living with your elderly parents sometime things don't go the way you thought it would.
She also asked me to write her obituary. What the heck. I am not ready for this. I know that there are facts that I need to know and I have been collecting bits and pieces of information. I am not prepared to sit down and write her obit. I will have to write JW's obituary also. I am trying to figure out do I just go downstairs and say to Mother, "OK let's have a cup of tea and write your obituary." Even with JW, how the heck do you summarize right now, 89 years of someones life in a 2" by 4" or 5" article in the Sunday paper. Let's see, military career, artist, singer, religious leader, husband, Father, brother and now it's all past. Today, has 24 hour care and sometimes does not even know who or where he is. Love.
The Christmas spirit should be here in your heart all year long. Just watching these movies has me thinking of all we do as a family to keep JW safe, dry, fed and feeling loved. My brother calls every week to keep my Mother sane. James and I are on call 24 hours a day. Pretty much all of my friends know that if you want to see me you need to come here. I rarely leave the house if I am not working. I just go day by day. If Mother goes first JW will have to be taken to the VA Hospital for emergency respite. He has already been evaluated for placement in an assisted care unit. On the other hand if JW goes first Mother will do fine. Either way, I will be alone. James has already saved me I cannot tell you how many times. He stays calm and can usually talk me off the ledge. When we are here alone it will be as big of a change as it was when Alzheimer moved it.
Thanks again, for letting me unload. Enjoy the rest of the weekend and remember, Love Lasts Forever.
Peace, Phyllis ♥
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